A collaboration between Wayne County Public Schools and the Wayne County Museum made possible by a grant from the North Carolina Humanities Council.
The Traveling Trunks of Wayne County brings to life the history of our community. This new historical initiative encompasses and disseminates different aspects of our local history through eight thoughtfully curated, mobile trunks, perfect for any class.
The aim of the traveling trunks is to provide a truly immersive and enriching historical experience for students in the comfort of their own classrooms! Each trunk contains primary sources, costumes, plays, lesson plans (aligned with NC Standard Course of Study) and many more educational materials for teachers to use. The materials are geared toward a middle and high school audience but can easily be adapted to suit any classroom need.
The eight trunks are as follows:
- Civil War
- Women in the Civil War
- Native American History
- Black History
- The Immigrant Experience
- The Industrial Development of Wayne County
- World War I
- World War II
To request your trunk, please visit: https://sites.google.com/wcps.org/travelingtrunks/request-a-trunk

a statewide nonprofit and affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.